Ontario Shores 🏥 Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 🧸

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Giftedness, a medico-sociological perspective




The History of Giftedness

Through the symbolic acts of judgment that take place in key institutions of education, certain individuals are supported and praised for their ways of speaking, thinking, acting, knowing when and how to be silent, and knowing when and how to respond. They were praised in an important sense for inhabiting social, cultural and material space into which they were born, how to use key cultural tools which are not universally available, and most importantly, perhaps, how to use their bodies in institutional environments, and generally how to deport themselves.

If intelligence is not essentialized as a dispositional attribute, then its ubiquity, which is spread across different domains can also relate to class position. For instance, is it quite common to hear in rural schools that children from farming and fishing families are naturally disposed to working with their hands, i.e. that they possess kinesthetic intelligence. This “intelligence” then renders them “suitable” for vocational rather than academic programming. The results of the resultant programming, differentiation, or streaming can be quite similar to what results from essentialized assessments.

their confidence in their own gifts may lead them to make foolish decisions simply because they believe they are incapable of doing so. If we do not develop wisdom in our gifted children, we run the risk of the smart people who have contributed to so many of the world’s ills, such as climate change, increasing inequality, ever better weapons for fighting wars, and imaginary distinctions regarding intellect among members of different racial groups (Sternberg, Grigorenko, & Kidd, 2005)


Handbook of Giftedness in Children

Intelligence Testing

Ontario uses the WISC-V or the very similar Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test. This appears to vary based on school board, and there is no language in the relevant legislation defining giftedness, or what constitutes appropriate testing.

Detailed listing of relevant intelligence tests